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Mosquito Control


Nearly 1 million people contract mosquito-borne illness-causing more than 1000 deaths in India due to diseases like Malaria, Dengue & Chikungunya.

Mosquitos are flying insects with sharp piercing mouthparts. Only female mosquitos can bite humans/animals and suck their blood which is required for egg development.

About 300 eggs can be laid after one single bite.


mosquito life cycle.png

Mosquitos go through 4 stages in their life cycle

1) Egg

2) Larva

3) Pupa

4) Adult Stage

Some Of The Mosquito Species And The Diseases Caused By Them

1. Anopheles Transmitters of Malaria
2. Culex – Transmitters of Japenese B encephalitis, a type of brain fever
3. Aedes – Tansmitters of Chikungunya and

Why Our Integrated Mosquito Management ?

Quick Control employs a scientific and integrated approach to getting rid of the premises of mosquitos.

Our experts carry out the thorough inspection and follow the below approaches;

1. Larvicidal Treatment



This process will treat breeding places of mosquitos in infested stagnant water bodies like puddles, drainages, rainwater pits, etc.  


2. Adulticidal Treatment (Residual)

Systematic residual spraying is very effective to eliminate adult mosquitos in the areas like staircases, lift areas, common rest rooms, ducts and exhaust openings.

3. Thermal Fogging & Misting

Thermal Fogging during the dusk hours helps to control mosquitoes in outdoor areas which will be in high density. Misting helps to treat plants and garden area.

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