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Termite Control

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Termites are considered to be the most destructive insect pests in the world. Many buildings and structures are damaged by termites each year resulting in huge financial losses.
The termite colony consists of a Queen, a King Soldiers, and Workers. The Queen has a great capacity to lay eggs and a mature Queen, with a distended abdomen, can lay about 20,000 to 30,000 eggs in a day. The King only takes part in the mating. Soldiers protect the colony from any attacks from predators. And lastly, the workers search for food, construct the colony, take care of the newborn termites, and most importantly, infest cellulose-containing materials like wood, paper, and clothes.
Once the infestation beings, absolutely everything in the building or structure is vulnerable to destruction.
Signs of an infestation can be seen in muddy channels formed in buildings and wooden structures. Infestation areas are more prominent near lofts, concealed wirings, water leakages and damaged building structures as the termites can easily from the cracks. Once they get access, they can damage the whole structure.

Types of Termite Treatment

Quick Control offers both Pre-construction and Post-construction treatment.


1. Pre-Construction Anti-Termite

The aim of pre-construction termite control treatment is to create an anti-termite barrier
underneath the building structure to protect against damages caused by subterranean termites. As a part of this treatment, the areas under and around the concrete base are exposed to a specialized solution that creates a termite barrier in order to have a long-term effect.


2. Post-Construction Anti-Termite

Our post-construction termite treatment is done on existing buildings to proactively and intensively protect the property against termite infestation. The treatment involves inspection & detection of termites and applying to the below structures;
i. Wall, Floor, Column & Outside Walls
ii. Surrounding Foundation
iii. Visible Termite Tubes
iv. Wooden Fixtures

The liquid barrier termiticide treatment carried outspreads to other termites in the colony through contact with the affected termite for an effective solution

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